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 Robotics has taught me many things such as engineering, and problem solving. When building a robot I had to work with my team members deciding on how we wanted our robot to look.Team work is a huge help while working on a robot because each team member brings something new, something that I might not know about, something that we can learn from. For example I did not know how to program the robot, but my team member Lenin new how to. He taught be how to make the robot obey my commands, and when I needed help building the robot my team member Emilio helped me build the robot. We all thought out and had a plan on how we wanted our robot to look and we say what idea would best suit the tasks. The best part about working with a team is getting to know my team members. One thing I would like to do if I had another opportunity with robotics is building the robot to destroy.  

   Code Avengers Java Script is very time consuming but helpful. I must have an eye for error or i could be stuck on while loops. Java Script brings in math with calculation and variables so you have to be good with math. Having nothing but silence and focus was very helpful for me when completing Java Script. I've learned how to focus more  

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